Monday, July 27, 2009

Ta-da, sand box, mittons, and babysitters

I know I post a lot about Elliette but she is just growing so much so fast! I would have more pics of me but I am the one behind the camera and well Ellie loves the camera and looking at pictures but she just hasn't learned how to take photos yet so till then they will mostly be of her. Oh, and sorry this is a long one but I didn't want to post 10 times today and I already posted a few so I thought I would throw a few in together.
Elliette cracks me up on a daily basis, she really is just the happiest thing with such a good sense of humor. Lately she throws her arms out to the side to express a few things. She uses it for a ta-da moment (and every once in a whil we get a little "ah-da" that goes with it), she uses it to tell me she is all done with something, she uses it when it takes me a minute to go get her after nap time with a face that looks like she is wondering where I have been, and my favorite lately was the other day when we were trying to teach her how to go down the stairs and Justin was showing her she threw her arms out and had her mouth in a big O shape and wide eyes looking at him like "what?" it made me laugh so hard.
I took her to the playground the other night to give Justin some quiet time to study and give Ellie and I some fresh air. While we were there we used the swings (always a good time) and then just played in the sand. I started to cover her legs in sand and then tickle her little toes that were poking out which was fun for a while and then she decided that she wanted all of her legs covered and started pulling sand all over her legs and helping me cover her all the way up to her diaper. Thankfully not much of the sand went in the diaper and we had a good time.
So, I am not sure what was going on the other day but Elliette's hands were chilly so I grabbed these little play mittons and put them on her. After about 10 minutes I figured her fingers had warmed up so I tried to take the mittons off and she just started whining until I put the mittons back on. She crawled around with these mittons on (it was pretty funny to watch on the tile) all day long, thats my little wierdo.
There is a girl in Justin's class that wanted to come and play with Ellie and said she would babysit for us so we took her up on that a few weeks ago. I don't know if Ellie just knew that we were leaving her or what but she absolutely freaked out and was completely panicked, it was hilarious. I have never seen her so scared ever and she was just crying and shaking and slawing her way up into Justin's arms. We sat with her for about 15 minutes and slowly she would come around and playa little with Tiffany until she felt a little more comfortable and then we snuck out. The next Sat. Justin went and got Tiffany again and I had Ellie sitting in her little seat eating a sandwich; when Justin walked in she was so excited and jumped up and down smiling, as soon as Justin moved to the side and she saw Tiffany she sunk down in her chair and just glared at her. As soon as Justin got close she grabbed him and basically crawled up his arms until he held on and she started crying and shaking again. This time though it only took about 5 minutes for her to warm up enough for us to sneak out. She did start crying again when we got home but was good while we were gone. I don't know when this extreme shyness took over but wow.


Keri and Derek said...

She is growing up so fast. So Cute! Kids are just the best don't you think.

Annette said...

That makes it so hard to leave when they are so sad. Make sure you get your time out though!