Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Beat up

Ellie had her first run in with another baby today and she lost, in her defense she didn't actually fight back so technically she just turned the other cheek. On the first Tues of every month a bunch of us ladies who stay home during the day make treats or food or whatever and get together and have a little lunch and let the kiddos play. During this little get together poor Ellie had another little baby smack her in the head multiple times with a marker drawing all over her head - the pic doesn't really do the artwork justice. Then a little later the same little girl pushed her down and held Ellie there by her shorts and diaper and whacked her a few times. It was actually kind of funny because the marker thing didn't even phase Elliette she just kept playing and having a good time. I did take her and make her eat some lunch so she didn't end up completely covered in markers and then the second time she was fine with being pushed down but when I went in to grab her she had a sad look cause she kept trying to crawl away but couldn't cause she was being held there. I did have to ask the other little girl to try and be soft cause Elliette is just little still and she just looked at me with the cutest little innocent look, it was funny.


Adam VT said...

Well we have the opposite problem. Ady thinks she is the queen of the playground and I constantly find myself having to save other kids from her. Even bigger kids, she just pushes them around, knocks 'em down and sometimes hits them. I guess we better not visit you guys anytime soon.

Southern Belle said...

Poor Ellie!! She'll get the hang of defending herself.

Megan said...

Wow, I am just amazed at how much more Elliette can do than Cooper...it makes me wonder if he is a little slow...:( Hopefully Ellie will start to defend herself, I know we have the opposite problem...trying to keep Coop from biting and pulling hair...crazy. Congrats on the Etsy shop...I'm on my way to check it out right now!

Kim said...

Oh no! Poor, Ellie!

Blaire said...

Actually, i think this is referred to as a Beat Down :) I'm glad elliette isn't the violent type though.

Annette said...

We have the opposite problem too! Well, it will prepare her to be a big sister! It sounds like you handled it great though!