Monday, August 17, 2009

1st Birthday and visitors

This past week has been a lot of fun. First thing is first, my little baby is no longer my baby - she has turned 1. I don't know what happened but she sure did decide that as soon as she was one she was a big girl and can do things all by herself. But on the plus side she has also become a little more cuddly so we'll take it. My parents and Beanie were able to come out for her birthday which was a lot of fun and with the amount of gifts they brought it looked like Christmas for her. We didn't do a whole lot on her birthday other than open presents and eat cake which Ellie just kind of picked at instead of really digging in (there are more pics of the cake on my treaty treats blog). She really loved her new toys, books, and clothes - Thank you so much everyone. Side note, the blocks were hand made by my brother and his wife and have her name on them and everything, how cute!

The next few days consisted of showing grandma, grandpa, and Beanie around Monterey. HBere is a quick recap of what we did... The first day we went down to Fisherman's wharf and walked around the souvenir shops. Don't judge, the double stroller is all that would fit in the trunk that day so we look kinda odd in the pics. While down there we took the time to walk along the harbor and look at the boats and the ocean and got a close up look at some jellyfish, crabs, and seals. The next day we went to the aquarium and hung out there all day long so Ellie could show them around and show them her play spots. She was so funny and caught the attention of everyone around when she was playing, dancing, and posing for the camera. When we were out on the observation deck Beanie and I looked out and saw a group of dolphins swimming by, that was really sweet. It was also the county fair and carshow this past week so we saw a LOT of really really really nice expensive cars driving around. That night my parents treated Justin and I to dinner at a place on the Wharf while Beanie babysat, it was so yummy and nice to get out and we were lucky enough to get one of the window seats so we also had a really great view. On Sat. we drove through Carmel so my mom could see it and then went to the mall where the boys saw GI Joe and the girls (including Elliette) just broused. After the mall we made our way to the beach and just relaxed on the sand watching the waves and Elliette play in the sand and water. It was a really fun week and since there was a lot of walking involved we were all pretty tired and worn out but it was worth it. On a side note, I am 33 weeks pregnant now which you can see in some of the pics - I feel huge but it is a baby not just me being super chunky.


Southern Belle said...

We love visitors. Always makes birthdays and activities more fun. What a cute girl and I can't believe she is one. Happy Birthday Elliote

Robin said...

You look so good for being 33 weeks along. I really can't believe it.

Happy Birthday Elliote!

Blaire said...

Bummer that there was a total lack of face smashing in the cake. I thought that was hardwired into 1 year olds :)

I wish we could have been there, i can't believe how big she is!!

Kim said...

I'm glad it was fun. I hope they didn't wear you out! Happy Birthday, Ellie! I can't believe she's 1! And I can't wait to see baby #2. So fun!

allegra said...

wow she is so cute! happy birthday to her! you look great pregnant. keep it up. making babies, that is:)

Tara said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl! What a fun day!
And Melissa, you look great for being 33 weeks! Only a few to go....

Jamie said...

You are so dang cute pregnant! Your mom told me you were expecting and I was so excited for you...two close together is crazy at first but believe it or not it's not that bad. I'm jealous you were in Monterey...that's one of my favorite spots in Cali. Miss you!

Brittney said...

How fun to have your family come visit for the birthday party! And how exciting that she is one!!! Isn't it crazy how fast they go from baby to toddler! Good luck with a toddler now! And you look great pregnant! And I love her cake!

Emilee said...

You look good for 33 weeks. I am just at that stage 27 weeks where people just look at you kind of funny becasue they are not sure if I am just gaining a spare tire or if I am pregnant. They don't dare ask. We will have to come visit time. Looks like fun.