Friday, December 12, 2008

4 months, Thanksgiving, and good friends

I can't believe that our little Elliette is four months old already. She has grown so much lately and shows her little personality more and more. One thing I have to tell you because it cracks me up and is so cute; we have learned that Elliette loves to smile and be happy. We really are incredibly lucky because she hardly ever cries and even though she hasn't really been feeling good (lately she has had a cold, is congested, growing, and teething) she still is such a happy baby. Anyways, one day a little while ago she was having a hard night and had been crying for like 15 minutes straight which is very out of the ordinary for her, it was one of those unconsolable cries. The thing that made us laugh though was every time she stopped crying to catch her breath between cries she would smile as much as she could with tears in her eyes and everything and she just looked like she wasn't feeling well but was trying so hard to be happy and then when she would catch her breath the frown would come back and she would cry. She did finally stop once the Tylenol kicked in (we are pretty sure her teeth were hurting) and as soon as she stopped crying she was back to smiling. It was so cute and funny that we had quite a good laugh. She is starting to move around a lot more which is fun to watch, she won't fully roll over yet but she will roll to her side, she loves lying on her side, or she will kick around enough that it will turn her in a circle while she is laying on the ground playing with her toy. Her favorite things to do are stand, bite on her fist, suck on her blankets and burp rags, and giggle. She is also quite the little chatterbox, especially while she is eating. I took her to JC Penny's for pictures over Thanksgiving and the photographer was trying to coo at her to get her to smile, instead of just smiling Ellie thought the girl was talking to her so she started making all the sounds back just chatting away. Man this little girl just makes me laugh! Well, thought I would fill you in on our little one. (We don't have a dog, we were just dog-sitting little Bella - her and Elliette had a good time staring and trying to figure each other out)

Thanksgiving was way fun this year. We drove out to Kansas stopping for the night in Denver which is about half way and went to Casa Bonitas (love that place). Elliette did really well in the car but our nights were a little craxy for a while since she did sleep a lot of the day. Once we got there we were able to chill with the family which was a blast since I hadn't been there when everyone else was since probably Thanksgiving two years ago. We went to the Wichita Zoo, Warren Old Town Theater (best theater ever, you get to order dinner while you are in the movie), have a fantastic thanksgiving meal, and just have a fun time with family. It was hard leaving and coming home.

Also, right before Thanksgiving Adam and Robin, our good friends, came up from Texas so we got to hang out with them for a day as well. It was so much fun to see them and their little boy and her parents and Matteo all again. (Sorry, I don't know why this picture came out so small but I am tired and don't really want to mess with it and fix it).

On a side note, I only have two more days of work left, HOORAY!


Matt n' Jenni said...

Sounds like fun fun fun!! I hear your moving to (well I won't say were on the internet) but I hear it is awesome there. We have alot of people in our ward who came from there because their all language people and they LOVED it. Let me know how you like it! Oh and I'm coming home the last wee in Jan thru Feb 9!

Matt n' Jenni said...

One more thing........."Whats a candy grahm? I want some!!!"

Kim said...

Ellie is so big! I can't wait to see her!

Ryan... said...

yay!! 2 more days of work! I can appreciate the excitement of leaving Idaho behind... its the best feeling in the world!


Elliette is so cute! Teething sucks, I do not look forward to going through that part again with the next one. Thankfully, I think Corban is done for a while. At least till the two year old molars come in.

Two more days. Hooray! To add on to Jenni's comment, Helen was telling me that it is awesome as well. Everyone wants to go there she says. Good luck and keep in touch. Actually we may see you sooner than you think. I'll let you know about that later...

Rusty and Tara said...

That story of Elliette laughing through her tears is just priceless! I can just picture a little tear stained face smiling in between the wailing. So cute!

and I'm so curious as to where you are moving. Send me an email.

Annette said...

Sounds like blast! She is so cute!

Angie Elwood said...

Hey! add me to your list!! Your baby is so cute!

Britany said...

Omg! She is so cute! I miss her already! And you of course. I love your face.