Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa Claus and giggles

Well Elliette had her first visit with Santa Clause today. We went to our ward Christmas party and had her sit on Santa's lap. She didn't really seem to care much but I really wanted to get a picture with her on his lap.

Santa was also handing out candy canes and we learned two things, 1) candy canes make the best toys for 4 month olds because they are thin enough they can actually grip around them.

and 2) I think our baby has a HUGE sweet tooth because she just went to town on that thing - the wrapper is actually still on but she is teething and it is small enough to fit into her mouth and bite hard on so she was really biting and slobbering all over it.

After we got home from the Christmas party Justin was playing with Elliette biting her belly and she just thought it was hillarious. So for family and others who may like that here is a short clip of the giggles.



So cute! Corban didn't do so well with Santa, but he did like the candy cane as well. I can't get your video to work, I guess I need to be invited or something. Pleas invite me:)

Kim said...

I love your baby! She's so adorable. You'll be home soon, too!

Blaire said...

I love that kid! She gets cuter and cuter every time you post about her. I'm really gonna miss you guys when you go to CA. Sniff, Sniff.

Ryan... said...

Ha Ha! I guess I'll take your word for it that that is Elliette laughing because I definately thought that sounded like cries to me... I love her though!

Megan said...

Super cute! We did the same thing with Cooper, he could have cared less too!

Brittney said...

She is so cute, and lovin' the hat! Good luck with the teething that is so hard!

Jeff said...

Hey, It was good to hear form you! I didn't know that you had a little girl. I'm jelous you are going to California. Much warmer there than Germany right now.