Friday, May 23, 2008

Hogle Zoo

So I haven't played around with learning how to do the slide shows yet, someday I will, so you just get to see a few choice pictures. A few weeks ago I was kinda bummed because I didn't get a job that I had wanted so I decided that I wanted to go to the zoo to cheer myself up, plus I love the zoo and I just keep getting bigger and it just keeps getting hotter so I figured this would be my most comfortable time. I called my mom and brother (sorry Mandy - they weren't down that weekend) and we made a whole day out of it. It was so much fun and so warm but very crowded. I don't know if you can see my tummy super well but that is me at about 25 weeks. I would highly recommend going to the zoo this spring, there are a few new baby animals which are always fun to see and they do still have the albino alligator there as well. While we were there the zebras were fighting and were up on their back legs and everything, or so I was told, I missed it cause I was to busy watching the penguins pretend they might jump into the water but it was still a fun time.


Amber said...

Melissa I had no idea you were pregnant. Congrats, that is wonderful. We are expecting as well. I am due on October 28. We are so excited. I am 4 and a half months. I have never been to Hogle Zoo, if I did, it was when I was like 10. Who remembers anything when they are 10. You guys are awesome and we miss you. Zann and Amber Anderson

Ryan... said...

Hmmm. nice family pic.

looks like you guys had fun even with out us. good job.