Friday, May 23, 2008

28 weeks and an update

So I have hit the 28 week mark and like normal I just keep getting bigger and bigger or at least that is how I feel. Since the snow has melted my job has become more and more demanding and there are some days that I probably do more physical work than I should - by the way, digging holes, setting up fields, preparing the disc golf course, etc are so much more difficult when you are pregnant and can't bend over very well - after a hard day I won't feel her move for a while so I have come to love feeling her move and kick me so I know that I haven't done to much and that she is ok. Although I do love to feel her move she has found the "jungle gym" aka my ribs and loves to shove something up there making it hard for me to breathe or sit or anything. She does make me giggle though when I can see my tummy move when she does, that is weird. Only 12 more weeks to go.
In other news I am up here in Soda Springs all by my lonesome at the moment because Justin got a job in Salt Lake (there is nothing up here for him to do) and is down training for the time being. He started this past Monday, it is a sales job so I am keeping my job until we know that it is going to work out and pay enough to support us. When that happens I will be able to move down and be with him again, woohoo! The good thing about this is not only does it have potential but it is in the field Justin wants to be in after school and it is close to a school so that it is actually possible that he could finish, another big woohoo!


Southern Belle said...

I hope it all works out with the job. By the way, we have a person in our ward that went to USU with you, Brad Bowser. He said to say hi.

Matt n' Jenni said...

I want to see more pictures of your belly!!!!

Autum said...

Hey, when you finally do move to SLC you had better come and say hi to me. I'm excited you are getting so close to the end of your pregnancy. The closer you get the more hope I have that mine will end. I'm about 6 or 7 weeks behind ya. I just found out mines a boy so maybe they will hook up when they are older. Anyway, I'm already way bigger than you by the looks of your tummy in the picture so stop complaining!!!!!! J/K Later, Autum


Wow, I knew you were getting close, but you are CLOSE! It always sounds better when you say how much you have left to go, after you hit the twenty week mark. Keep on truckin'!!!

P.S. I was so excited to see pictures!

Tiffany said...

Glad you updated! I am sure it will all work out for your little fam! It always does it just takes longer then we think it should! 28 weeks that is crazy! Get your rest now you are going to need it!

Brittney said...

I so doubt you are getting huge! So exciting Justin got a job, we too are in the job market, hoping all will go well so Micah can get a job too!

Hiatts said...

I too want to see some more belly shots. I can't believe you are already 28 weeks. get some sleep while you can. Are you coming to loagn anytime soon? Next time you do we should get together. sorry you have to be alone in soda springs.

Britany said...

well good!! yay baby!!

Britany said...

and also, i hope i get to see you soon! I don't think you're really pregnant. it could all be some elaborate rumor that you and Justin have started. i wouldn't put it past my brother actually...

Megan said...

You don't look huge at all! You have the cutest little baby bump! Have you seen mine? I'm like double yours. You make me laugh. Good update though,you should do that more often!

Lexi said...

Oh my gosh melissa I totally found your blog by accident...good accident!!! Congrats on your baby! How have you been! Hope all is well!