Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For those big Jazz fans out there

So, I like to watch sports but I wouldn't say that I am an avid fan or a fanatic or anything but a good game is always worth going to. Basically I just wanted to brag about the perks of my job that come around here and there. Last Monday I was invited to a Jr. Jazz recognotion dinner at the Energy Solutions Arena. Justin and I went down, got our tickets in the will-call line so we didn't have to fight the crowds and then were sent through the building to the upper suites area where we were treated to a buffet of roast, potaotes, salad, drinks, desserts, etc. Once the game started (oh yeah did I mention it was the last home game of the season and we played against Houston and won) we went out to our seats in the nosebleed section - if you had a large program you were treated to a sky box, sadly I was not but it was still cool - and were able to watch the game. At half time we were treated to popcorn, drinks, and nachos back up in the suite. It was a really fun time and the best part about it all was that I spent a total of $5.oo (parking of course) because all the food and tickets were free and as an added bonus since it was "representing the city" I was able to take the work truck down so the gas was free also. It was a fun night other than the long late night drive home.


Ryan... said...

That sounds like alot of fun!! Where are the pics!?!?

Tiffany said...

I am like you I like the Jazz but am not a fanatic. However if there is ever a chance to go and watch them (especially for only $5) I would jump on board!

Hiatts said...

I am with you not a huge jazz fan,but enjoy to watch them. especially when it only costs 5 bucks. sound like lots of fun. where are the pictures?


Where's the picture of you, I want to see how "huge" you are:)

allegra said...

hey gleak,
ha, how are you?!! thanks for saying hello!:) congrats on your little girl and the pregnancy! being a mom is the best... hope you don't mind me checking in on your blog every once in awhile! good luck with the rest of the pregnancy, and post a belly picture soon....


Happy Mothers Day to you!

Ashley said...

Hey Gleak! No, I can't call you Melissa. Glad you found my blog--I'll be checking in on you now :) Congrats on the baby, I hope your pregnancy is going great!