(Justins point of view):
Before looking at the waves be and a friend decided to try surfing today. Dan had been one time before and I hadn't been at all, so we knew it would be pretty rough but it still sounded like fun. We rented out equipment in the morning and went right out. Melissa decided to come watch, but when we got to the beach she had to go back to the house for something and fill up the car as well. While she was gone we decided to get started even though Dan looked pretty worried and the waves were huge. I kinda persuaded him to go out anyway and just stay close to the beach. Even though the plan was to stay close to the beach once we got out a little bit, that was it. Dan was trying to teach be some stuff, but I was just paying attention to the enormous waves smashing us. Before I knew it I was way out and drifting towards a bunch of rocks. At about that time a huge wave came up and I decided to try and ride this one as far as I could. I hadn't had much success before now so I thought I would put the point of the board in a little more to force some resistance and get pushed farther, if that had worked I may have been able to ride that one wave all the way to shore, but it didn't. At the same time the wave was pushing the front of the board down I was trying to force it up to stay on top of the wave, then all of the sudden I was in the air then in the water. I know enough to know the best thing to do is go limp since you don't know which way is up and your less likely to get hurt, I stayed under the water for what seemed like a long time which turned out to be a good thing because another large wave followed before I surfaced. I found the surface because the board was attached to my foot, so I just went the direction of the tether. When I reached the surface I noticed my board was broken, I straightened it out and hoped I could keep trying to ride a wave, but after getting thrown around a couple more times I was too exhausted to do anything more. I held onto by board and tried to kick my way to shore, but I kept getting pulled towards the rocks. Thankfully the waves were more mild among the rocks so at least I didn't feel like I would drown anymore, I just had to really pay attention to where I was. I wasn't making any progress and just at the mercy of the ocean when my buddy finally reached some rocks large enough to give shelter. I was still quite a ways away just hoping to make it there somehow without getting smashed. Oh, yea, by this time there was a fire truck, ambulance and a few cop cars waiting for me to..... None of them really had a way to help me though, so I really had to get to those rocks. Just then 2 very large waves managed to make it through the rocks and still be pretty big came up from behind me and pushed me towards the rocks where my friend was and gently set me down with enough time to climb up to safety. Even while I was on those last 2 waves hurling towards the rocks I felt like I would be alright and that the hand of God was saving me. The firefighters that were there agreed that I was very very lucky, I said that I was very very stupid and if God had saved me it was for the sake of my wife and kids because that was my own stupid fault for going out when the waves were so huge none of the locals even dared to go out. Live and learn has new meaning.
Wow, the ocean scares me. Sure glad they are okay. From now on you'll have a good story to tell though.
That is terrifying. I don't think I would have survived if it had been me. Justin is very VERY lucky. Be careful out there!
That sounds super scarey. Next time just come to Hawaii where there are nice little beginner waves and no great white sharks! And you don't even have to wear a wet suit! Sure glad everything turned out okay though.
I would have been freaking out!!
That is so scary! I'm glad everything turned out OK. It's a good thing he is a good swimmer!
its probable a good thing that you where not there to see it happen and freak out knowing that you could not do anything. I am glad everyone involved is ok.
WOW!!! How scarey! I am just glad he is ok! And I liked the two views. I would have been dying, and you sounded so calm!
That is a crazy story! I'm so glad that everything turned out okay. I read a bunch of posts below, seriously, thanks for posting pictures of your mom in the saddle. Totally made my day. I'm still laughing about it...oh, and great job on the stockings and gift for Elliette. You are amazing! :)
Holy cow!! That is frightening, I can't imagine what was going through your head when you pulled up to the beach. I'm so happy only the surfboard was broken!
WOW--I am sure glad that story has a happy ending!
And the girls are so darn cute! How are you liking 2 kiddos??
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