Monday, April 27, 2009


Well I am doing a little better at this blogging thing, at least its been less than a month. Well first happy news ... The crazy lady is gone!!! WOOHOO!!! For those of you that don't know my neighbor is a bit crazy and is moving out today so my life is going to be better just because of that, we are very excited.
Ok now that is out of the way we can get to the update. We had some really nice warm weather out here a week or so ago so on Saturday instead of unpacking we went down to the bay and walked around watching the seals on the rocks, the kyakers and boaters, and just soaking up some good rays. While we were out we made it to the Aquarium which we were able to become year long members to so that Elliette and I have a place to go during the weeks we have nothing to do. It was super fun.
Elliette is eating more and more real food and being less and less or my little baby, she is just growing up so fast.But with that growing up comes more sophisticated fit throwing. It makes me laugh actually and I just watch her and wait it out until she realizes that it is getting her nowhere so she stops and just pouts. If that doesn't happen than I pull out the camera so I can get a pic of her cute sad face and wham it becomes a smile so fast I can't even get the pic I was hoping for but it does stop the tantrum. Although she does throw tantrums they are not often and are typically when she is tired so we throw her in bed when she is done and she sleeps it off and is back to her normal smiling giggling self. She is just cracking me up so much lately. The other day I was trying to take a nap with her and we were laying together on the couch as she ate her bottle and just out of the blue she starts giggling like crazy which in turn makes me laugh and needless to say neither of us got a nap at the moment. She also makes the funniest sounds, sticks her tongue out constantly, and is learning to spit a little which I probably shouldn't laugh at but it is pretty funny how she does it. We are also learning how to drink from a cup which she does really well if I am helping but as soon as I let her do it she dumps the water out and then tries to take a drink. Other than that she is army crawling around everywhere and is getting VERY fast. When I call her name she used to look at me innocently and then proceed to go where she is not supposed to. Now when I call her name she looks at me really quick and then just hauls to where she is going before I can get there to pull her away. She is starting to pull herself up on things to so we are having lots of fun and then falling over which does make for some tears as well.
Us: Well we are just chilling and enjoying the California life. Justin is doing well in his classes and I am trying to get involved in the ward so that I can meet people. Ellie and I went to a play group the other day which was a lot of fun for both of us to interact with other people. When we got back Justin had come home from lunch and locked us out so we were able to hang out with one of the ladies and her daughter for the afternoon which was fun as well. We did end up getting another set of keys the following day so that I can get in the apartment as well.
So that has been our life lately. Not to eventful but full of funny and beautiful scenery.


Keri and Derek said...

She is so cute! Getting so big. I wish we leaved just a bit closer. You will find you can blog allot more being away from family and not much else to do. ( : Love the up-dates!

Britany said...

fun!! I miss you guys! and mostly Ellie probably. lets be honest. You're next in line though Gleek. How fun that she's crawling and stuff! I can't wait to see her!

Blaire said...

She is such a cute, sweet girl. If you're lucky kid number 2 will be the same.