Thursday, March 20, 2008

I've been Tagged and gave in

I was tagged by Robin a month ago and finally decided to give in and do it since I promised her that I would. The rules are that each player has to list 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, the player has to tag 6 people and then go to their blog and post a comment telling them they've been tagged and to look at your blog for instructions.

1. I am horrible at keeping blogs or writing in journals. As you can all see by the fact that it has been over a month since our last entry we are not very good at this keeping updated stuff. I try and think about it all the time but it is always when I am not at a computer I can use and forget by the time I get to one. I do want to get better at it though so we will see.

2. I love to travel. I wish I didn't have to work and could just go anywhere at anytime that I wanted to. This past year of living in places like Raleigh, Wilmington, DC, and Wichita was amazing because it was like a giant vacation. I would go anywhere and be happy as long as I am on vacation.

3. I get super excited about little things. Justin always tells me I am like a little kid around the holidays because I get so happy and excited to do the little things like decorate eggs and gingerbread houses. I also get so excited for Christmas morning that I can hardly sleep all night. On our honeymoon we went to the Disney World parks and I think that was the first time Justin got to see my childish excitement in full. It was so fun and exciting the entire week we were there.

4. I am a very stubborn person. I do not like being told what to do. I like to do things my way when I want to do them. I am trying to work on it but it is a hard habit to break. I remember once as a kid that I was going to take the garbage out just to help out. I had the bag in hand and was walking out the door when my mom yelled and told me to take out the garbage so I turned around put it back and sat on the couch and watched tv just because she told me to take out the garbage.

5. I am to ambitious (or undecisive-you decide). If school didn't cost so stinking much I would be happy just continuing on and on. There are so many things that I want to do and in so many areas. To give you an example I want to be an orthopaedic surgeon, a teacher/coach, a chemist so I can make fireworks, an auto mechanic, a physical therapist, and a biomedical engineer to name a few. It seems like every day I think of something new that I want to learn and do.

6. I love to decorate cakes and cookies and would someday like to do it out of my home as a business. I am sort of a perfectionist with this stuff so it takes me a while to do it but for some reason it is fun and relaxing for me and I like to think that I am pretty decent at it.

There, I did it. I don't know who to tag so if you feel like doing it so I can read some facts/habits about you feel free.



Yea! It is about time. Thank you very much for doing it. I am horrible at doing these things as well. I check you blog all the time for anything new and am always disipointed. Keep up the post's!!!

Tati said...

Hey, I made my blog private now after reading this article:

I didn't invite you because I don't have your email address. If you want to still see my blog, send your email address to me at


When are you going to find out what you are having?

Southern Belle said...

Hey, I saw your blog on Megan's, so I thought I would say hi. I hope life is going well.

Hiatts said...

love that you have a blog!! Soda Springs, is that close to me?When you are in Logan let me know and we can get together. congrats on the whole baby thing. When are you due?hope you are not too sick.


Where's the pictures of your baby? I want to see them. Come on people:)