So the little girl has finally made it and here is what happened: At my last Dr appointment I was 4-5cm already and we were just waiting for Camryn to decide she wanted to come. Anyways, my Dr found out her dad needed surgery so she was going to be leaving town so she called me and offered to start me the next day if I wanted or let me know that she had someone to cover her if I just wanted to wait it out. Well since I was already dilated so far and was told that when I do go into labor not to wait long because it could go really fast I decided to get started so that I would already be in the hospital and be able to get an epidural since it was my fear that I would barely make it and have to deliver naturally; plus it was nice to have something set up for sure with Elliette.
So the next morning we went into the hospital and they set me up on pitocin around 9-ish that morning. I had small contractions but nothing really bad so I was waiting to get my epidural because I have to have a reason to get a needle stuck into my spine. Well nothing really kicked in and I wasn't making any progress so around 1:00 - 1:30 my Dr came in and broke my water. Literally 2 seconds later the contractions actually kicked in and they were horrible so right away I asked for the anesthesiologist. Well I guess right after the nurse called for the epidural someone else needed an emergency C-section so the guy had to go do that instead and he called around to get someone else to come and do my epidural. Well as luck would have it, all other anesthesiologists were stuck in surgery and he wouldn't be able to get back for at least an hour. Yeah, I went from 4-5cm to fully dilated in less than an hour and ended up having her naturally. Poor Justin had to deal with the fact that I wanted to cry, throw-up, pass out, and felt like I had to poop all at the same time (none of which I did, I don't think :) ) He was great at rubbing my back and then not rubbing my back and fanning me and holding me up and opening and shutting windows and anything else that I couldn't decide if I wanted or not. I was having a lot of back labor so I was kneeling up against the bed which helped a little but all of a sudden I told the nurse that I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom so she hurried and checked me and said I was ready to go so they called my Dr and the Dr on call to be ready just in case. Luckily I didn't really feel like I had to push at the moment so I was able to hold off for a few minutes but then I almost threw-up which pushed her down a little and that was the end of holding off. My Dr walked in right at that moment threw on a gown and delivered the baby about 3-4 pushes later.
So in my efforts to avoid my big fear of having a super fast natural birth by starting in the hospital it happened anyways. Thank heavens it was fast I guess. Anyways, the baby is great and weighed in at 7 lbs 3 oz and 20.5 inches long (pictures to come). It was nice to have use of my legs right away and since I only tore just a tiny bit and not enough to even need stitches my recovery is coming along nicely and I feel great and am way less swollen than I was the last time. Well that is the beginning of the Camryn Eliza story.