Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Schofield's said...

Congratulations! She is adorable and you look great for just having a baby. Such a cute new little family.

Tiffany said...

Congrats....Welcome to the world of motherhood. I promise you will sleep again! She is so adorable. Congrats again.

Lexi said...

Congratulations Melissa...she's beautiful!!!

Southern Belle said...

Oh she is such a cute baby! Yes, she has long fingers...maybe pianist can be one of her talents. Much luck with the new adventure!

Autum said...

Way to go guys! She is a cutie! Get used to all that pink!

allegra said...

horrah for the "juice." it makes the birth so much more enjoyable and FUN! i could never have a baby without it.

what a beautiful baby you guys!! congrats- she's so perfectly chubby and irresistible. way to go!!!

Cody said...

Gleak and Justin,
She is SOOO super cute! I do see a little Gleaker in there, but you were serious about her digits, those are some long fingers! Congrats, hope to see you before you are on to your next big adventure. (You sound excited.)
PS We have a blog too, I will send you an invite.